Email marketing basics How you can get started with email marketing? Now I want you to stay tuned to the very end because at the end of this article, I’m going to share with you the number one email marketing tip that can move your business forward fast now contrary to how much you actually hate email and hint we all hate email email is not dead as a marketing platform as of 2020 there are approximately 4 billion email users in the world.

That’s fifty percent of the seven-point seven billion population of the world on average email marketing generates about thirty-eight dollars for every dollar spent on it that’s a three thousand eight hundred percent ROI and two-thirds of customers have made a purchase as a direct result of email marketing messages.

As we get into talking about this, you have to remember the one golden rule of email marketing, which is that email marketing is not about you; email marketing is not about your company; email marketing is about the customer; email marketing is one of the few marketing Email is one of the few marketing vehicles you can use to build an authentic connection with your customers, and it is one of the most important elements of your marketing strategy.

Building that deep connection is now being used correctly. Email can be both a relationship-building tool and a profit-generating tool. relationship-building tool and a profit-making tool, but how do you use email effectively and responsibly? Well, the answer is that you have to treat your list like they’re human beings, but first, you have to start using it. So, how do you get started with email marketing?

1. Define your Audience

Like all marketing, you start with your customer. You understand what they want, what the problem is that you’re solving for them, and what value you’re going to be giving them.

2. Establish your Goals

Establish your goals. What are you looking to accomplish? Are you trying to get sales downloads, website traffic, social traffic engagement, and likes? comments shares You have to decide what it is that you’re trying to accomplish.

3. Select your Email Service Provider (ESP)

service provider You can’t just go out and use a normal Gmail account to send out hundreds or thousands of emails to people because you’ll get immediately flagged as spam and Google will shut down your account. All your emails will go straight to junk, so you need to sign up with an email service provider like MailChimp, Convertkit, or ActiveCampaign.

4. Create a Way for People to Sign Up

The most important one is that you have to create a way for people to sign up, and you do this by creating an email signup form on your website, possibly in the footer or on a landing page.

5. Create a Reason for Them to Give you Their Email Address

You want them to give you their email address. You want to create landing pages on your site or sign-up forms on your site where you offer lead magnets. A lead magnet is a free download that they will get in exchange for signing up for your email list. Lead magnets can be things like ebooks, PDFs, checklists, or resource lists. You have to make sure that your lead magnet solves a problem, and that problem should align with your core offering, so it will lead them to want to sign up but also to be more interested and learn more about your business.

6. Choose an Email and Join our Newsletter

email campaign type There are lots of different kinds of email campaigns. Will you send out a newsletter? Will you send out product and service announcements? Will you announce blog posts or drip campaigns with an email course of some kind?

7. Make an Email Calender or Schedule

Email calendar or a schedule. Decide on how often you’re going to email your list, set a calendar for what kind of emails they’re going to receive, and then make sure to tell your list what to expect from you.

8. Measure your Results

Measuring ROI in email marketing is a big subject, and it’s probably worth a video all on its own, but you can start off by tracking your open rates and what links and how many links are clicked in your emails, and you do this through the dashboard on your account page of your email service provider.

How can Email Marketing be Used?

As I stated at the beginning of the article, email marketing is excellent for relationship building. relationships It puts a human voice, a personality, and a face behind your brand. People want to do business with people, not brands. Email marketing is great for building relationships, but it’s also great for raising awareness and keeping your customers informed. company top of mind, so when people are ready to engage or ready to buy, you are top of mind. Email is also great for.

Email marketing is great for content promotion. content promotion So sharing relevant content, either curated content or original content, and useful assets with your email list leads generation is also great. Email marketing is also great for lead generation. Another great way to use email marketing is to foster that engagement over time that’s going to lead to a relationship with a potential customer.

You can also use email marketing for product promotion. Email marketing is great for product marketing, promoting your products and services, and also for lead nurturing. providing your customers with content that’s really going to help them succeed, and so they build up what I like to call subliminal reciprocity, meaning you give them so much value that over time they really want to engage with you on a deeper level.

Now, as you’re getting started with email marketing, here are some additional tips I want you to keep in mind if you want to concentrate on great subject lines to improve your open rates. You want to make sure that the subject lines of your emails are interesting, not too clickbaity but also not boring, and you also want to make sure that you’re avoiding all caps because things like all caps and exclamation points can really trigger spam filters and send your emails into people’s spam folders.

Remember, all sorts of email bots on the web read your emails, not just the subject lines inside the content of your email. So what you do in your emails can actually trigger spam filters that send your emails to spam, and once they go to spam, they’re never going to be seen again. Make sure to use images in your emails to make them visually appealing. You can use JPEG static images.

If you do use images to use those alt tags, enter those alt tags because spam bots like to see that images have alt tags. You can also use animated gifs to keep your emails visually interesting, even though you can’t add actual videos that play within emails. Animated gifs are a great way around that. Another tip I suggest is to avoid too many links in your emails because these email bots read the content of your emails.

Having way too many links within an email can sometimes trigger spam filters and reduce your open rates, and finally, you want to make sure that you’re keeping your emails snackable. When was the last time that you read an incredibly long, scrolling text-dense email? Not very often, right? So you want to make sure that you keep a lot of white space in your emails. You don’t have too many areas of super-dense text, and you keep it light with images and text with links, making it snackable.

At the beginning of this article, I told you that I was going to share with you the one email power tip that you could use in your business right now, and here it is: you got to have a call to action in your emails. You can’t forget that email is a two-way street. Engagement goes both ways with your call to action.

What is it that you actually want people to do? Here’s a suggestion. Add a simple reply at the bottom of your email: a simple hit reply. Hit reply and tell me what you’re currently working on. Hit reply and tell me what you’re inspired by. Your biggest challenge is that when people respond, it shows your email service provider that they are engaged, which improves deliverability, cuts down on the triggering of spam filters and makes sure that when people respond to you, you shoot them a quick email back. Thanks a lot for sharing it shows that you are having a conversation with your email list and that’s great for deliverability 

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